Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Depression!

homeopathic remedies for depression

Homeopathic remedies for depression contrary to popular belief, depression is becoming more and more widespread. In actuality, mental health issues like depression are serious medical conditions that are becoming more prevalent in contemporary society and impact many individuals as well as their families.

Many people who live their lives feeling hopeless inside never even receive a diagnosis of depression!

The most effective homeopathic medicines for depression | Dr Batra's™

Side effects of Conventional Medical Treatment for Depression

Digestive problems like constipation, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dry mouth, blurred vision, insomnia, headaches, nausea, and weight gain.

Antidepressants may also cause a person to have less desire for sex and have trouble eliciting an orgasm. Men may also have a problem attaining an erection.

Side Effects of Antidepressants and Alternative Options | Anew Era TMS & Psychiatry

Depression: Its causes and symptoms

Homeopathy for depression is not widely available. For someone to be diagnosed with depression, they should exhibit four to five of the symptoms listed below. These symptoms should last for about a month.

  • Feelings of guilt
  • Physical inactivity or hyperactivity
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Insomnia / sleeping too much
  • Worthlessness, pessimism, and hopelessness
  • Persistent sadness
  • Thoughts or attempts of suicide
  • Poor / increased appetite
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Decreased interest in pleasurable activities
  • Decreased energy and fatigue

Other potential underlying causes and accompanying conditions must also be addressed, such as nutrient deficiencies, excessive alcohol use, hypoglycemia, diabetes, low thyroid function, low adrenal dysfunction, food allergies, premenstrual syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, lung disease, heart disease, chronic pain or inflammation, liver disease, multiple sclerosis, seasonal affective disorder, and cancer.

Sedatives and tranquilizers, corticosteroids, antihistamines, blood pressure-lowering medications, anti-inflammatory drugs, and birth control pills are examples of prescription medications linked to depression. Additionally known to cause neurological and psychological conditions such as depression are heavy metals, solvents, pesticides, and herbicides. Depression can also be brought on by stressful life events like divorce, the death of a loved one, or job loss.

Depression: it's a word we use a lot, but what exactly is it?

Homeopathic Remedies Used in the Treatment of Depression

The challenge is to find the homeopathic remedies for depression that best fits the personality and symptoms. Here are some top homeopathic remedies for depression.

  1. The best treatment for excessive worriers is arsenicum album, especially for those who worry excessively about their health and are considered perfectionists. When they fall short of their own high standards, they frequently experience depression. The person is also extremely sensitive to any pain, and their symptoms are typically worse in colder weather.
  1. A homoeopathic remedy for the workaholic who has a propensity for feelings of hopelessness, despair, and suicidal thoughts after failing at work or in their personal life is aurum metallicum. These people might experience symptom worsening at night or in the winter, but relaxing music may provide some relief.
  1. Calcarea Carbonica: Is frequently prescribed to dependable, hard-working people who experience physical exhaustion as a result of illness, stress, or work. Additionally, the individual may experience exhaustion, anxiety, self-pity, discouragement, and confusion. The best candidates for this treatment include those who perspire frequently, experience insomnia, and experience periods of lethargy.
  1. The essential homeopathic remedies for depression brought on by a loss or when grieving is causticum. Forgetfulness, frequent crying, and mental dullness are additional indications for this treatment. In addition to having a strong sense of empathy for other people, the individual is frequently pessimistic and angry.
  1. Cimicifuga: This is the suggested treatment for someone who engages in conversation and activity when times are good but feels down and upset when depressed. Other signs and symptoms include painful menstrual cycles, headaches, and neck pain.
  1. Ignatia amara: Is frequently best for delicate people who tend to repress sadness or disappointment. Additionally, they don’t want to come across as weak, feisty, temperamental, or guarded in the eyes of others. They occasionally have an easy time crying and have been known to laugh out of the blue. Some of the other symptoms may also include insomnia, headaches and abdominal cramps.
  1. Kali phosphoricum: The person who needs kali phosphoricum is probably depressed after experiencing intense emotional stress or excitement for an extended period of time. Additionally, they might feel anxious, worn out, unable to concentrate, headaches, sleeplessness, anemic, sensitive to the cold, and indigestion.
  2. Lachesis muta is the recommended homeopathic remedies for depression brought on by jealousy, mistrust, or repressed emotions. Additionally, it is advised for those who detest commitment or restriction. This treatment is recommended for someone who worries a lot, is talkative, and has menopausal depression.
  3. The best remedy for those who are naturally kind, gentle, and mild is natrum carbonicum. The individual tends to stay away from conflict and typically experiences depression following some sort of disappointment. They are more likely to withdraw, isolate themselves, and want to listen to depressing music when they are lonely. Nervousness, sensitivity to sunlight, certain foods, and weather changes are some additional symptoms.
  4. Natrum muraticum: A person who needs natrum muraticum frequently conceals inner emotions like rage, fear of bad luck, grief, or affection. Additionally, they seek out solitude and are responsible, guarded, and reserved. Although they also look for sympathy, if someone tries to comfort them, they may become irate. Migraines, insomnia, back pain, anxiety, and hopelessness are a few additional symptoms.
  5. The best treatment for someone who is dull, indifferent, or apathetic is phosphoric acid. Loss of appetite, frequent feelings of overwhelm from exertion, grief, people who are studying, or heartbreak are some additional symptoms. They frequently speak in fragments and have a craving for juice. They also frequently get night sweats. Sleeping often makes symptoms worse.
  6. People who experience depression and become tearful and sad and who crave a lot of comfort and attention are frequently treated with pulsatilla nigricans. Additionally, they are easily offended, envious, and whiny. The person will feel better after getting some fresh air, crying, and even light exercise. The best treatment for depression that coincides with menopause, menstruation, or puberty is pulsatilla nigricans.
  7. The best homeopathic remedies for depression for someone who is quiet, sensitive, and emotional is staphysagria. The individual might be overcome by workaholism and struggle to assert themselves. Shame, resentment, repressed emotions, and hurt feelings are all potential contributors to depression. They could have rage attacks when under pressure. Additionally, they might have high sex drives and suffer from bladder infections brought on by stress, along with insomnia, headaches, toothaches, and stomachaches.

A Homeopathic Approach to Depression? | Mental Health | Andrew Weil, M.D.

Guidance on dosage

Always seek advice from a homeopathic doctor regarding the selected remedy and its dosage recommendations. If your symptoms don’t seem to be getting better while you’re receiving treatment for depression, speak with your homeopath for additional guidance on a more suitable remedy.