Most people don’t think twice about where they plant their houseplants. If you have a love of green things and like to add a little greenery where you live, it only makes sense that your houseplants are contained in an attractive container right? That’s what most people would say, anyway. But many of us don’t realize that the best options for your plants are also the easiest options for you.
The problem is, most containers made specifically to use with plants generally come in plastic or wrought iron. They have the look and feel of a regular pot, except they have that slippery, hard plastic or the rustic feel of metal. Unfortunately, both containers can be harmful to your plants. They send out a chemical signal that tells your plant to stop growing, so they stay contained in their container. This is fine if you intend on keeping them there forever but if you are planning on moving them into better soil some day – your plant may not be able to handle it.
What Is Hosta Bulbs?
No matter how you got them, hosta bulbs are beautiful and colorful houseplants and they come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Hosta bulbs are easy to look after, requiring very little care and their foliage is beautiful throughout the year. Hosta bulbs make fantastic houseplants for anyone looking to add a little greenery indoors or as a gift for someone who loves plants.
Hosta bulbs is a genus of plants within the family Asparagaceae. All hostas are perennial, herbaceous flowering plants that are native to Asia, although most of them are now found in temperate regions throughout the world. These plants are very versatile and can be used in a wide variety of ways.
When should hosta bulbs be planted?
Hostas prefer cool temperatures to grow, so you should plant your bulbs in the fall. They can be planted early on, right after your last frost if you happen to live in an area without cold winters. Otherwise, they should not be planted until after the first frost of fall has passed.
For the best results, wait until all of the leaves have fully died back on the plants from your summer garden. Then dig up a clump and either divide it into multiple pieces or simply set aside for next year’s growth.
How To Take Care of Hosta Bulbs?
- Select a container or garden spot that is well-draining and has full to partial sun.
- Plant the hostas two times deeper than they were in their original container. For example, if the roots were poking out of the top of the pot, plant them so that only half of their roots are buried. This will ensure that they don’t rot over winter.
- The top of your hostas may root over the winter, but don’t put them in a pile of peat moss to heal. Instead, gently push the roots down into the soil and allow them to heal in their own way. A good option would be to simply cover the top of your bulb with a layer of organic fertilized soil (if you don’t have organic fertilizer on hand, use compost instead). You can also leave it uncovered if you chose.
- Wrap up your hostas in a thick layer of leaves or straw to protect them from frost.
- In the spring, when the soil begins to warm up, remove any dead leaves or stems and begin watering your hosta plant as normal. The plant will flower in late spring and then grow several leaves for summer.
Hosta Care Tips:
- Plant your hostas in a well-draining (but not overly dry) spot but with full sun exposure (at least 6 hours per day).
- When you are planting your Hosta bulbs, adjust the soil to suit the type of plant you have in mind. For example, if you want a large shrub-like hosta, then you need to fill the container twice as deep. They are very hardy plants and can heal from pretty much anything, but they need well-drained soil.
- Hostas will require several times their original container size when they are mature so remember to plant them deeper than their roots poke out of the top of the pot.
- Don’t overwater your hosta bulbs. They hate to be wet, and will tell you by losing foliage and dying.
- If your plant suffers from an over-fertile soil, try adding 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt to one quart of water every week for the first month of growth. You can gradually reduce the dose down to a dose of once every two weeks as the plant grows older and more vigorous.
- If your plant needs to be repotted, wait until the summer soil has warmed up.
- Try not to over-water your hosta bulbs, but don’t ignore them either. A good rule of thumb is only watering them when the soil feels dry at a depth of 2 inches below their roots. Never leave the plant’s roots sitting in water, however, and don’t let their soil become dry for extended periods of time (more than 2-3 days).
- You can fertilize your hosta bulbs by using an organic fertilizer to feed it 2-3 times over the plant’s growing season.
- Houseplants are great gifts, and they add a lot of beauty and function wherever they go, but hostas are perfect for indoor gardening in containers. Hosta bulbs don’t take up a lot of space and can be used indoors year round in any room that doesn’t get too cold for them.